Friday, April 18, 2014


        After months of thought, planning, talking about, preparing, hyping myself up and then crashing back down I've finally taking the one only true step there is when committing to take a trip... I bought my ticket! With the simple click of a mouse $1,100 was permanently eradicated from my bank account in exchange for what one can only hope will be the journey of a lifetime. For those of you who know me moving to Australia has been about all I've talked about for the last few months... I basically forced myself to commit. I quit my job, I moved from what had been my home for the last 8 years and I began the process of working and saving up funds for my trip. But there was one thing I hadn't done, one thing simply keeping talking the talk from turning into walking the walk, it was my safety net of sorts, my "just incase it turns out I'm crazy and I can't actually do this"... the fact that I had yet to actually BOOK a flight. 
As I sat alone in my boxers staring blankly at the screen in front of me, tempting me like a siren's song I couldn't help but start to go through a vast array of emotions. The most visible of which was doubt, "What the fuck was I thinking? I quit a great job, moved across the country, and now I'm leaving the country? What am I gonna do when I'm there? I don't know anyone, it's not like I can just move back home!" In between the tsunami of self doubt I found myself continuing to click, pick your flights... click... choose your seats... click... double check your itinerary... click... enter your credit card information... click... before I knew it even through this storm of self doubt I was staring at a 3-stop 18 hour flight across a dozen time zones. Even though my brain was trying to force me to rationalize this craziness, the true spirit in me didn't allow me to turn

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


“Aren’t you nervous?!”

            I get this question all the time, from friends, family, random people on Facebook I haven’t talked to in ages. Short answer, yes, extremely. I’m scared I am going to fall flat on my face. That I’ll make it a month and have to spend every cent I have to get home. While that may not sound inspiring for you to take up your own adventure, consider this. What keeps me going, from not letting that little voice in my head take control and drive me to the brink of insanity? Simply, thinking of the worst-case scenario. What is the WORST thing I can imagine happening. Some people might jokingly say, “getting eaten by something”, but really, what is the worst that could happen?
            For me the answer is simple, disappointment. Creating this grand illusion of this crazy adventure and having it all crumble around me. But what does that really mean? Does it mean I only stay for a month and get home sick and have to fly home? Guess what, not many people I know get to take month long vacations to another continent. Does it mean I can’t find work and I’m forced to take a crappy job I hate simply to make ends meat while I’m over there? Well guess what I can do when I have a day off, go to the beach… in Australia!
            I guess the point of this is the more I’ve thought about all the things that could go wrong, the more I realize how they pale in comparison to all the things that could go right. Yes it would suck to have a failed adventure overseas, but at least I was overseas, and what if it doesn’t suck? The things I can conceptualize and worry about are really the only parts of this adventure I can comprehend. But things going right, things being incredible, having the adventure of a lifetime, I can think of certain things I’d like to do along the way but I can’t paint a clear portrait. And to me that’s what makes it all worthwhile.

            It’s easy for us to be cynics in this society, it’s so much harder to hope for the brightest future, and dare to dream big. If you’re like me you know that’s what makes us want to go, to roam, to travel in the first place. We long for the unknown, but we can see only the darkness of possible despair. To those who feel this, I implore you, go towards the unknown, the light is blinding but once your eyes adjust you will be exposed to a whole new world of possibilities, one where the pros greatly outweigh the cons. And when you get there you will see that no longer is there any negativity in your travels, there is simply the experience. When we can separate “good” and “bad”, “fun” and “boring” we start to see a clearer picture coming together. That picture is what drives us all, the unknowingness, the thrill; of adventure…

Saturday, April 5, 2014



           In the days and months leading up to my departure I’ve gone through a variety of emotions. Something I think is very common among first time jet setters. Technically I’ve left the country before, and sadly in my few months of time away combined throughout my life I’ve seen more of the world than 95% of Americans probably ever will. But this is different, this is life changing, this isn’t just a few weeks, this is a YEAR! I mean assuming I make it that long and don’t get kicked out or deported first (both not necessarily out of the question). But as I approach the final few months before my departure I’d like to share a few emotions and thoughts I’ve had that I’m sure go through everyone’s head before engaging on any long term long distance journey.  Not only to let you know that you are not alone, but that these emotions and minor panic attacks are completely normal and all a part of the process.

            I still have a brief moment every day where I think this exact thought. Does what I’m doing even make sense? How did I go from drunkenly Googling trips to being locked in to a one-way plane ticket? What I’ve learned since my first initial hesitation a few months back is the best way to combat this is force yourself to be locked in. Anyone can talk about doing something but once you’ve made a financial commitment, not only does it become “real” but it also forces you to evaluate exactly what you need to do next to prepare yourself.
            The next thing that has done wonders for me in terms of calming any doubts I may have, may seem simple, to some even conceded but its worked wonders for my confidence. Simply talk about it! Tell people what you’re planning, not that you’re “thinking” about doing it, show them your itinerary, tell them all the places you plan to visit, and share your excitement with them. This isn’t meant to throw it in others faces that you are “better” than them for taking a leap of faith, for me, it’s really come down to personal accountability. I’ve told SO MANY PEOPLE… I literally HAVE TO GO! At this point there is no backing out, because if I did not only would I be a disappointment to myself but I will have also let down everyone else I’ve made a part of my journey.
            The other thing I’ve found when discussing with people is that it helps to quell your fears because everyone “has a friend” that did something like what your doing. I have a ten-foot list of people I’m supposed to meet when I get to Australia, simply by talking to people about my wanting to go. “You’re moving there? That’s awesome I’ve got five friends who moved over there to surf and never came back! I’ll give you their info you have to see them!”
            This has happened to me countless times at this point, and while only a few of these potential leads have actually panned out so far, its refreshing to know that one, I’m not the only person stupid enough to do this, and two, I may meet some friendly faces right away.

            I guess I can’t really answer this one for sure since I haven’t actually left yet. But I did find a program that helped calm my nerves a little.  I’ve enlisted the services of Greenheart Travel, an awesome travel assistance company that helps people find work overseas to help fund their wanderlust. While this isn’t exactly in tune with the whole idea of moving to take a leap of faith, it did offer me quite a bit of relief. While I’m going overseas to have an adventure and learn more about myself I’m also a very pragmatic person and sometimes I have trouble getting out of my comfort zone. Working with a program directive helped offer me some guidance and a sort of crutch for traveling abroad and not being sure what exactly to do when I get there. Though I have enlisted their help and paid for their services I am in no way bound to them, they simply offer a helping hand should I need one.
            I can’t speak for other places around the world but for Australia specifically I do know you don’t need any kind of program to help you over there. You can show up and apply for a work/travel visa when you get there, and if that’s more your style to literally “wing” it to the ultimate degree then I say go for it. However if you’re more like me and know you want a huge change but don’t know if you have to wherewithal to do it on your own, I would highly suggest doing some Google research and looking for a work/travel assistance program to whatever part of the world you wish to see.
            As far as what to do for pleasure when I get there? That to me seems to be the easy part. Multiple friends and acquaintances have told me that the best thing to do is find a local watering hole, and simply start talking. It’s a pretty weird feeling to think that all of a sudden you are the cool, interesting foreigner, and I don’t think it will hit me till it happens the first time. But having gone to college and frequented bars as I have, we’ve all seen the English, Australian, whoever he is that seemingly has women flock to him as soon as he opens his mouth… THAT’S YOU NOW! And if there was ever a time to simply be yourself and experience life to the fullest where better than a place where the women love Americans because we still have a sense of chivalry (apparently Aussie men are Assholes; more on this theory when I see for myself). My goal is to be the “yes man”. Let my cool accent lead me where it may and say yes to any adventures that may arise simply because I talk, “like a Yankee”.

            These are just a few of the first questions I will address. As it says in my bio this is more of a free-form blog, really an open door into my mind, which means truthfully, totally chaotic and all over the place. Please keep up with me on my travels and adventures and I hope it can help serve as a tool to inspire a journey of your own!